Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year

"Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors and let every new year find you a better man."

Benjamin Franklin

Strange start to the new year. Cold, snow and then warm rain for New Year's eve. My daughter and I had mani and pedicures and saw two new movies. I was in bed by 12:07. Made biscuits and sausage gravy to go with the hot coffee this morning. Apple cake is in the oven for later. We are back into single digits today. I was so thankful to hear my St Louis transplanted family on the phone yesterday. Was watching the weather and heard about the tornadoes in their area. Nana worries. May the New Year hold blessings for you all. I am counting mine. I am so blessed this year with my health, my loving family and wonderful friends. Well I feel some fun coming on, so I will catch up with you again laterz. p

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